Beginners Guide To A Minimalist Lifestyle

3 min readAug 25, 2020
Photo by tu tu on Unsplash

Less is more.

Living a minimalistic lifestyle isn’t just about owning a single mug or using a bowl for eating. A common misconception of it is thinking that owning nothing is a way to become a minimalist. It’s about reducing/ simplifying stuff (may it be things that you own or something that you’ve been dealing with emotionally) that isn’t mandatory in our lives anymore. Minimalism gives people clarity which makes us focus on what’s more important.

Here are 5 basic minimalist guidelines for beginners:

1. Ask yourself what is essential and what is unnecessary in your life right now.

Once you’ve meddled with your thoughts, you’d soon come to a realization that there are a lot of things you own that you don’t necessarily need. Minimalism isn’t just about decluttering physical items but also getting rid of what holds you back emotionally. However, I recommend commencing by decluttering something easy and physical like your wardrobe. Begin by creating a pile of the things that are indispensable, things that you probably need and don’t need at all.

2. Take time to dispose your items properly.

Now, what do you do with the things you’ve gotten rid of? Do not leave them in a pile hanging around. There are actually a lot of alternatives other than just throwing them out in the garbage (not recommendable). You can opt for donation, even recycling can be an option or giving them to family and friends. Selling them online can be beneficiary too. See what you can do to make sure that they end up in the right place.

3. Do not compare.

Minimalism is subjective. Remember that every person has a different interpretation on minimalism. Think about how minimalism can affect you, how it can help you improve your situation and not somebody else’s. Sure, you can get ideas from others who practice minimalism and use it as a motivation, however, avoid comparing and coercing yourself on whether you should do this or that. Focus on what can aid you.

4. Slowly change your consumption habits.

Whether it comes from possessions, groceries, or food items, you must practice downsizing your consumption habits. How? You can start by identifying what’s important to you, make a list and try going on a shopping. Lower utility bills and expenses aren’t the only benefits you can get from reducing consumptions. It also brings a transparent mindset which can help you start fresh ideas and accomplishing them.

5. Have fun.

Lastly, have fun. There isn’t any “rule” on how to start living in a minimalist lifestyle. Take your time to think things through to figure out which way works best for you! You’d soon realize how much baggage (both physical and emotional) you’re carrying and how it won’t bring lasting happiness in your life. Remember: brevity is more effective than verbosity.

This post first appeared at House Hold Works

